Preschool helps children make a better transition into kindergarten. St. Mark's offers an enrichment program through
creative art media, fingerplays, cooking, social sciences, waterplay, music, dramatics, perceptual training, muscle development,
and field trips.
St. Mark's has a policy of providing equal opportunity. All courses are open to all students regardless of race, color, gender, handicapping condition, national
origin, or limited English proficiency due to national origin. In addition, all
educational services, student activities, program, instruction and facilities will not be denied to anyone in Preschool as
the result of an individual’s race, color, gender, handicapping condition, national origin, or limited English proficiency
due to national origin. Furthermore, St. Mark's has a policy to provide
equal opportunity to all applicants and employees in a harassment-free work environment without regard to age, race, color,
national origin, limited English proficiency due to national origin, gender, or disability.